منتدى تعليمي إبتدائي - إعدادي - ثانوي - للمعلم والطالب
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اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Icon_minitimeالسبت يناير 27, 2024 10:42 pm من طرف faridaahmed

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 اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل 
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عدد المساهمات : 24470
نقاط : 64474
السٌّمعَة : 8
تاريخ التسجيل : 18/12/2012

اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016    اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Icon_minitimeالأحد مارس 06, 2016 6:39 pm

اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

 ch 7 

Three pieces of news:Three pieces of news arrived at the Tarlenheim country house. The first was that the people of Strelsau had heard that the King was badly injured while he was hunting in the woods, and they were worried. Secondly, the Duke also thought I was badly injured. Rassendyll heard this from Johann, who he trusted and had allowed to go back to Zenda. Thirdly, Marshal Strakencz told Rassendyll that Princess Flavia had ordered him to take her to see the King.

When the Princess arrived at Tarlenheim, she was relieved to see that Rassendyll’s injury was not serious.

Going to Zenda: That night, after Princess Flavia had gone to bed, Rassendyll went outside to join Sapt and Fritz with seven men. They all had weapons and they rode their horses towards the Castle of Zenda. A few hundred metres from the castle, they asked the seven men to wait with the horses while they continued on foot. Sapt tied a rope to a tree and Rassendyll used the rope to climb down into the water. He was near to the window to the King’s room.

Rassendyll heard voices coming from the pipe: Detchard, the Englishman was talking to the King. He told the King to go to sleep. The King asked why his brother didn’t kill him. Detchard told him that the Duke didn’t want him to die at that time. Detchard closed the door and left the room. Rassendyll heard the King crying quietly in his room.

A visit from the Chief of Police in Strelsau: He told him that the British Ambassador had reported that an Englishman called Rassendyll had disappeared near the town of Zenda. They had found his bags at a nearby train station, Rassendyll told him that he would look into the matter and asked him to return in two weeks and he would tell him what he had found.

Rassendyll met Rupert:Rupert was riding out on his horse when Rassendyll saw him. He quickly caught up with him. He looked surprised to see Rassendyll. Rassendyll asked Rupert to let the King free and promised to help him. Rupert told Rassendyll to attack the castle. He said that Sapt, Fritz, Michael and the King must all die. That would leave only Rupert and Rassendyll alive. Rassendyll would stay King and Rupert would have a reward. Rupert said he was ready to work against Michael because he was not a good man and he made him angry. Rupert said he nearly killed Michael the night before.

Rassendyll got a message from Antoinette de Mauban. She told him that the Duke discovered that she helped him that night in the summer house. He was keeping her a prisoner in his mansion. She asked Rassendyll to rescue her.

Rassendyll’s plan:, the house at Tarlenheim was to be filled with lights and music so that people believed that Rassendyll and his men were having a ball. At midnight, Sapt took his men to the mansion. Rassendyll rode alone a different way to the castle, with clothes to keep him warm, weapons and a rope. Half an hour later, Rassendyll was back by the moat. He left his horse and gun in some trees, tied some rope to another tree and climbed down into the water once more. He swam back to the pipe below the window. He looked up at the mansion and saw that the lights were on in the windows to the Duke’s and Madame de Mauban’s rooms.

Suddenly:then Rassendyll heard voices and saw Rupert walk towards the castle onto the drawbridge with De Gautet. After they had crossed, the bridge went up. A few minutes later, Rupert returned alone. He looked around him and then quietly climbed down some steps to the moat and swam across. Then he climbed some steps and disappeared back into the mansion.


Answer the following questions:

 1) What three pieces of news arrived at Tarlenheim?

♥ a) The people of Strelsau heard that the king was injured while hunting.

    b) The Duke thought the king was badly injured, but he knew one of his men injured him.

    c) The princess ordered Marshal Strakencz to take her to Tarlenheim to see the King.


2) Why was the Chief of Police looking for Rassendyll?

♥ Because he had disappeared. His family had not heard from him. The British ambassador had reported Rassendyll missing.


3) Rassendyll had met Rupert while they were out riding. What plan did Rupert offer to Rassendyll ?

♥ He offered to help him attack the castle but Sapt, Frits, Michael and the king must all die. Then Rassendyll  could stay as king and Rupert would be given the reward (money).


4) Why did Rupert Hentzau feel safe enough to ride out on his horse?

♥ Because the Chief of Police was at Zenda investigating the disappearance of Rudolf Rassendyll, so Rupert knew there could be no more fighting around the castle.

 5) What was Rassendyll’s plan to break into the castle and rescue the king?

♥ Sapt would take some men to the front door of the mansion. When Johan opened the door, they would quickly enter and tie up the servants if they didn’t want to help the King. At the same time, Antoinette would cry out for help. The Duke would come to see what was happening. They would kill him. Then they would go to the King’s room and rescue him.


 Read the quotations and answer the questions:

 1)       “Why doesnn’t my brother kill me now.”

a-      Who said this to whom?

♥ The king to Detchard.

b-      Why did the speaker’s brother want to kill him?

♥ Michael wanted to kill his brother to take the crown.

c-      Who want to rescue the king?

♥ Rassendyll, Sapt, Fritz and other men.


2)     “He is now keeping me a prisoner in his mansion.”

 Who said this to whom?

♥ Antoinette de Mauban in her letter to Rassendyll.

b. Who was keeping that person a prisoner?

♥ Duke Michael.

 c. Why was that person kept a prisoner?

♥ Because Duke Michael discovered that she had helped Rasssendyll in the summer house, so he couldn’t trust her.

3)     “Though I hated to do it, this was war.”

 Who said these words?

♥ Rassendyll said these words.

b. Where was the speaker then and what did he/she do after that?

♥ He was in the moat near the castle of Zenda. After that, he killed Max Holf who was asleep in a boat in the moat.

c. What kind of war did the speaker refer to?

♥ He referred to the war between him and Michael for the life of King Rudolf Elphberg who was held prisoner in the castle.

4)    “Would you really work against Michael?”

 Who said this to whom?

♥ Rassendyll said this to Rupert Hentzau.

b. Would that person really work against Michael? Why? Why not?

♥ Yes, he would. He didn’t like Michael and said that he was not a good man. He said Michael made him angry and that he had nearly killed him the night before.

 c. What did the speaker ask that person to do before that?

♥ Rassendyll asked Rupert to let the imprisoned King go free.

5)     “Tomorrow night, give this letter to Antoinette de Mauban.”

 Who said this to whom and where?

♥ Rassendyll said this to Johann at the country house ‘Tarlenheim’.

b. Where was Antoinette at that time?

♥ She was kept a prisoner at Michael’s mansion.

c. What did the speaker ask Antoinette to do?

♥ He wanted her to cry out for help from her room at 2 o’clock in the morning and Johann would open the front door to the mansion at the same time. Sapt and his men would go into the mansion and save the King.


Find and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences:

 1-       The people of Strelsau heard that king Rassendyll was killed when he was hunting in the woods.

2-     Max Holf didn’t see Rassendyll near the pipe because he was busy.

3-     One of Rassendyll’s men called out “They’ve got me, Rupert”.

4-     Rassendyll told Johann to open the front door to the mansion at midnight.

5-     There was actually a war going on between Fritz and Sapt for the life of King Rudolf the fifth.



1-       The people of Strelsau heard that king Rassendyll was injured when he was hunting in the woods.

2-     Max Holf didn’t see Rassendyll near the pipe because he was asleep.

3-     One of Michael’s men called out “They’ve got me, Rupert”.

4-     Rassendyll told Johann to open the front door to the mansion at 2 o’clock in the morning.

5-      There was actually a war going on between Rassendyll and Michael for the life of King Rudolf the fifth.

[url=http://cairodar.youm7.com/flashes/PDFfiles/english story ch 7.pdf]  To Download Lesson in PDF … Click here[/url]

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اللغة الانجليزية – chapter 7 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
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